Sunday, April 12, 2009

A True Love story

Shalom :-

        To maintain a " Successful Marriage " mainly built on trust and allowing God to mold us through our spouse to be a man or woman which God delighted. My darling and I have together facing the no water supply for more than 9 months. Time gone pass so fast since last Sept.2008.
It was very tough in the 1st month, WE both have to fast, pray and seek God's guidance and HE said, "This battle of water and "House Of Glory" property issue is Mine." WE both have learned to BE patient, submit totally onto God's hands. I learned to be more submissive,depending onto my husband which selected and ordained by the Lord Jesus.

GOD has transformed us from less quarrels, less fightings, less disagreements to a stage of closeness which Holy Spirit spoke to both of us and raise us to a realm of serene which we just spend time on praying and worship ( Benjamin and I move in prophetic ) HIM alone -->> my darling and I have growth sharper into the spirit. WE pray , we bind, we break and we intercede until both feel peace and joy. When two are agreed and move in one CORE. God's power manifested through us whenever the LORD move us into mission trips all around Malaysia and oversea. 

But those who wait on the Lord, SHALL renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like EAGLES,
They shall RUN and not be weary,
They shall WALK and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

Our marriage relationship grow strong and stronger each day, love and more loving, sweet and sweeter, from less arguments and disagreements to more huggings and kissings. WE know we needed each other more when days goes by. One young Chinese young man met us at The Mall near Putera World Trade Center commended both of us like have been married and be together for more than 20-25 years ( this is a few days before we celebrate our 3rd year wedding anniversary). I know God's selected partner is the best for us. Therefore, always pray and seek God because we desire " the best " and not the second best.
WE play chess games together, WE sing together , WE dance, WE draw n paint, WE carry buckets water by cycling, climbing up n down the hill, etc, etc. The joy of loves came when God is with you. WE learn to settle so many differences in life. WE sharper our discerning spirit, people who are hypocrite or sincere. WE LEARN TO REJOICE AND WORSHIP when others are complaining about the flood , storms, economic downhill etc. Heaven provide the water, Lord Jesus is our Jehovah Jireh, HE PROVIDE ALL OUR NEEDED, Amen.
WE saw God's hands chastised the disciplined the wicked one who unwillingly extend the hands to let us take water, and those who are in good position to help us.
 WE all know that we have a loving Father and He is loving when His children are obedient and He ready to shower down His blessing more than we can receive but He is also truly a consuming fire for those stubborn and disobedient children, Amen and Amen.

Walking with Christ,
Prophetess Cassandra Lai
From: KualaLumpur, Malaysia

Re-edited on 13th of April 2009 (1) 
Re-edited on 5th of October 2011 (2) 

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