This morning before I could wake up . I have a horrible dream. I was asking God was the dream given by Him and seem like Jesus is giving an insight of those who miss the rapture, a world without Jesus Christ, a world is going to be reign by Satan for 1000 year on earth ( heaven only one day )..... I feel like crying for the unsaved souls, but I do not have tears..... It will be a life beyond "pain & suffering " , daily you will face the mental torture seeing your loves one suffer or you yourself are one of those victim being torture ğŸ˜ğŸ˜ğŸ˜, every human being must be gone through a horrible test willing or unwillingly before imprinted with mark of " 666 "!!!! Devils are there to destroy the beauty of earth, families and couples ! Eg. Husbands will beg for mercy for their wives ( just newly wedded ) for not going through those tests because chances of them become mental disorder are very high 😩😩😩. Humanity is absence, suffering is every where..... Randomly chosen every out of 3 or 4 person one is mentally disorder!!! 😢😢😢
MESSAGES from the above prophetic dream:
🔊🔊🔊 Do not miss the " Rapture ", I pray that everyone on earth could goto heaven with Jesus Christ, living on earth is equally as bad as in hell, there is no way out and after 2nd coming of Christ our Lord and Savior. All Those Children of God who left behind have to wait 1000 year for Christ to return and reign. To avoid those years of suffering of " mental, physically, emotionally etc", I beg those who does not know Christ our Lord & Saviour, bend your knees NOW and cry out loud to Jesus and invite Him into your heart and be your Saviour today!!! Time is very limited! For this season holidays , Christians reach out for this dying world without the love of Christ, let's start with your family member, loves one, your neighbour etc, sharing gospels about Jesus Christ. May God have more time , more mercy for those stubborn one, they do not know what they are going to suffer ğŸ˜ğŸ˜ğŸ˜.