Thursday, May 26, 2016

Time coming for Face to Face " 面對面" 時間來了... ( III )

Time coming for Face to Face " 面對面" 時間來了... ( III )

Shalom to all beloved saints, brothers and sisters in Christ.

Have a blessed morning/ day or afternoon,

Time coming for Face to Face again:

My husband and I are holding HOLY  Fire Revival CONFERENCE (INCLUDING overnights prayer meetings/ imparting SPIRITUAL WARFARE weapons anointing, Holy Dance, etc)  via gospels songs and hymns , worship and praise the Lord in High Praise, save souls and bring them to salvation, baptism in Holy Spirit and FIRE,  for this End time season and visit different churches in different nations. Please send in your invitations 1- 3 months in advance for booking.

 Expenses which required to be covered :

1.) Two fully paid return flight-tickets.
2.) Accommodation  ( Hotel or home stay in ministers' house)
3.) Food and beverages
4.) Transport to and fro from the air-port, transport to travel from church to church.
5.) Etc.

Please provide the date and numbers of day and the name of person in charge and contacts.

Apostolic Prophetic ministers,
gospel singers, artist, pianists, vocalists,

Benjamin and Cassandra Fun Tze Liu

( Note : It is rare to see two eagles flying together high in the same time, now is the time....... )

" 面對面" (III) 時間來了:




請提供日期, 負責和接觸的人的名字。

上帝保佑, 祝福你们,

Apostolic Prophetic ministers,
gospel singers, artist, pianists, vocalists,

Benjamin and Cassandra Fun Tze Liu

Monday, May 2, 2016

Pride ~ Levisthan spirit whose aim is to destroy life


Pride is not an influence. It is a demon spirit trying to destroy the life of the people of God.
" Over all the pride  of the earth, he reigns supreme" ~ Job 4:34
When you study this "Pride" ----- you will notice that we are speaking about Leviathan.
 Leviathan is paralyzing homes, business and ministers ---- { the spirit that govern Malaysia is a Leviathan spirit ~ A Serpent of Pride } this go with U.S.A, Nigeria, etc

Through Pride --- it is stopping the flow of life and bringing stagnancy.

No human being can master the king of pride.
"When roused, he grows ferocious, no one can face him in a fight ...." Job 4:10

 Leviathan means a wreathed animal such as a serpent, a crocodile or a large sea monster.
It speaks about SATAN himself, wreathed with the scales of pride ~ JOB 41:15

When one is anointed, he is rubbed with the very PRESENCE of GOD.
but when one allows pride in his heart ---- he is " rubbed" with the scales of Leviathan.

What are examples of scales of  Leviathan?
* Pride ---> unduly high opinions of one's own qualities or merits.
* Arrogance ---> over-bearance through an exaggerated feeling of one's superiority.
* Contention ---> an assertion made in arguing.
* Boasting ---> speaking of oneself in such a manner to impress others.
* Haughty ---> proud of oneself and looking down on others.
* Witchcraft ---> misuse of spiritual power to control others.
* Manipulation ---> to influence craftily in order to cause others to suit one's purpose.
* Domination ---> to have a commanding OR controlling influence over
* Rebellion ---> refusing allegiance to an established government, open resistance to righteousness authority.
* Stubbornness   ---> not easy to deal with.

Stubbornness leads to rebellion ; Rebellion leads to pride ~ and pride leads to destruction.

SUBMISSION is the path to HUMILITY and humility will cause a DOUBLE PORTION of God's anointing to flow in an individual's life.

FEAR is a companion of PRIDE.
One who is prideful also has fear in his life. One who leans totally upon the Lord is not afraid.

Special note :
The Fire of HOLY SPIRIT is only available to the humble. 
The above passage derived from a book named " The Fire of the HOLY SPIRIT "
WRITTEN BY : Rev. Dr. Thomas Cheng